In all the state, the current is 220 volts. Take care on Rio and S�o Paulo, the current is 110 volts. Plugs are different, they can accept the plugs of 2 branches, but openings being narrower, is needs often an adapter. Attention, certain devices as the PC speakers are in 110 volts.
Restaurants and hotels are very fastidious on the hygiene. The rule in kitchens is to wear a mask and a net on hair.
There is no yellow fever, malaria and serious illnesses. It is recommended to take care on zones infested with mosquitoes that can transmit Dengue Fever, endemic disease which you can meet in the tropical countries.
The symptoms of Dengue Fever are: strong fever, very intense headaches, and constant pain on the body and small red points on the skin.
The dengue does not require hospitalization, except in very rare cases, for vulnerable or weak persons of health, where it can take a 'haemorrhagic' shape.
Health insurance
For the foreign traveler, it is advised to take a health insurance and repatriation in case of big concerns. See with your travel agency and with your credit cards what you should to on this matter.
Emergency Health Case
Although you have everything in the numerous pharmacies all around, if you travel you can arm yourselves with a light help case with antibiotics of wide spectre, anti-diarrheic, moisturizing cream, disinfectant, aspirin, a strip...
Rio Grande do Norte is one of the safest states in Brazil. The cities of the inside and the villages of the coast have no concerns with the violence. In Natal, and in main cities, it is better to avoid the sensitive districts, especially at night.
Health System
Hospitals are mainly located in Natal, where the medical infrastructures are completely satisfactory. There are unities of care 'Posto of sa�de' in the other cities.
For emergencies the public service has good professionals.
In case of an accident, the injured persons are brought at first to a public hospital, than transferred to the hospital approved by their insurences.
Home cares and emergencies are supplied by Samu and ambulances of hospitals and insurences.
>> Useful contacts...
Except special plan of health, there is no restitution of medicines in Brazil.
Public Health
. For the care, the public health system concerns people who do not have a private insurence. They are assured by:
. The INSS (the National Institute of the Social Security)
. The SUS (the Unique Health System))
. The State Social Security
Private Health System
The available private services are very different according to the prices, but they offer generally a very good quality of care with specialists in all the domains.
Mostly all the private insurences, allow to benefit from the services without paying the anything. The coverture made by the insurance depend also how expensive it is.