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Feast of the S�o Jo�o S�o Miguel do Gostoso - Tourist terminal
Popular feast
Festival with traditional Forro and 'quadrille' and regional foods Promulgated by the minicipality - 2nd about fifteen June

Festival of Quadrilha of the TV Cabugi Natal
Popular feast
Popular feast with a objective to defend the culture nordestine and to register the innovations. The Festival registers about 200 groups of miscellaneous municipalities of the state. During June, always in places defined every year, the quadrilles appear and dispute between them, a place in the final stage of the state.

Lounge Natal-Marinhas Cidade Alta - Capitania das Artes
Artistical event
Exibition opened to the public of the products of the sea and own Marine.
Week of 11/06

Vaquejada de Caic� Caic� - Park Polion Torres Filho. BR 427.
Popular feast
Considered as one of the biggest 'vaquejadas ' of the state.
There is no fixed date, between June and July.

Feast 'Juninos' - 01 � 30/06 Natal - Several districts of the city
Popular feast
Popular feast of S�o Jo�o with the cooperation of more than 400 spread demonstrations in all the city of Natal.

Feast of Santo Ant�nio � Patronize of the city - 13/06 Georgino Avelino - City center
Religious feast
According to the legend, the washerwomen were cleaning clothes on the margins of the lake 'Guara�ras', when arrived by waters an image of 'Santo Ant�nio', which was afterward called of 'Santo Ant�nio do Achado'. The premise was transformed into place of religious visite" An image is exposed in the church 'Matriz'.

Forronovos - ciclo junino - 14 � 23/06 Currais Novos - Place Desembargador Tomaz Salustino
Popular feast
Popular, cultural and tourist event which immortalizes the traditions of the feasts 'juinines' with activities sociocultural as quadrilles, musics, dances, crafts, etc....

Festival of 'Quadrilhas' de Natal - 15 � 30/06 Natal - District North, South, East and West
Popular feast
Popular feast with 'quadrilles' 'matutas' and stylized, of the diverse districts of the city, in competition. More than hundred 'quadrilles', competing for prizes. Second part of the month.

Festas Juninas - 15 � 29/06 Caic� - In all the city
Popular feast
Several feasts in all the municipality, as the traditional Forr� of 'Seu Adir Rocha' and feast of 'Chap�u'.
Festival of gastronomic tradition with dishes base on of cheeses and 'carne-de-sol', exposure of crafts, animation of groups of forr�, 'quadrilhas juninas'. Place Dom Jos� Delgado.

Political emancipation of Arez - 15/06 Arez - Pra�a C�vica
Popular feast
Cycle race, mini maratona, chases of asses. Tournament of football

Feast of the patronize of the city S�o Jo�o Batista - 15 � 24/06 Arez - Pra�a C�vica
Religious feast
Mass and procession. Representation of quadrilles.
Bingoes, auctions, barraque and typical food.

S�o Jo�o and S�o Pedro - 15 � 30/06 Pirangi - Pium and beaches
Religious feast
Masses, representations of typical 'quadrilles'.
Feasts and carnivals in diverse villages of the coast.

Tribute for the patronize of the city - 20 � 24/06 Maracaja� - Central Place of Maracajau
Religious feast
Feast of S�o Jo�o of Maracaja�. Presentation of the cultural traditions

Regional festival of quadrilhas juninas - 21 � 29/06 Acari - Center
Popular feast
Feast and Competition of traditional 'quadrilhas '.
Carnival of schools and districts and forr�

Festejos Juninos - 23 � 26/06 Cear� Mirim - Place Onofre Jos� Soares, Mercado P�blico
Popular feast
Musical shows, typical food, stylized and traditional representations of quadrilles, presentation of synphonistes.

Forroz�o do Serid� - 25 � 29/06 Carna�ba dos Dantas - Place Caetano Dantas
Popular feast
Important event of the popular culture of the region.
Forr� and quadrilles, tradition of 'Argolinha' and 'Bullfight of Jegue'.

Arrival of the Rally 'Rally dos Sert�es' - 28/06 Via Costeira - Centro de Conven��es
Sport event
Parking of the 'Centro de Conven��es de Natal',
Audit�rio Lavoisier Maia, Sala Ponta Negra e VIP II.

Feast of S�o Pedro - 28 � 30/06 Carna�ba dos Dantas - Center
Religious feast
Religious feast with mass and popular feast with artistical representations

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