Welcome to Natal, Rio Grande do Norte - Northeast Brazil
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Maxaranguape - Resort in the beach of Cabo de S�o Roque (Project on standby)
The Norwegian Group 'Brazil Development', is going to build a big Resort in the region of Maxaranguape, in the beach of Cabo de S�o Roque. The resort claims to be one of bigger three of the Northeast and will occupy an area of 1,2 thousand hectares, including 8 hotels, golf courses, heliport, businesses, etc.... The first stage should be ended in 2010. Launch, at the end of January, with the presence of the player Beckham.
Contact : Grupo Brazil Development
Surface : 1,2 mil hectares
S�o Gon�alo Amarante - Airport complex
The new airport internationnal of Natal will be an airport complex built in the region of Natal (in S�o Gon�alo do Amarante). It is planned to be the biggest airport of goods and passengers in Latin America, with an inauguration planned for the end of 2010.
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Beaches of center - Marina of Natal (Blocked project)
Project of Natal's Marina situated on the left bank of the river Potengi, next to the Fortress of the Rois-mages. The project plans the construction of city park, botanical garden, zone of shipyard, control tower, customs post and commercial area with restaurants and shops of crafts. All this structure will be opened to the public.
Contact : Grupo BCM Ingenieros S.L
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Muri� - Complex Palm Springs Muri�
O mais novo condom�nio residencial do Nordeste do Brasil.
Uma oportunidade de investimento de condom�nio mais lucrativa no Nordeste do Brasil. Situada na praia de Muri�-RN, uma das �reas mais influentes da grande Natal, Palm Springs providencia uma oportunidade excepcional para a compra de um im�vel em uma das regi�es mais lindas do Brasil.
Palm Springs possui 41.7 hectares de �rea priveligiada, e vai incorporar um condominio com um total de 346 terrenos individuais.
Contact : Ritz Property Investimentos Imobili�rios Ltda,
Surface : 41.7 hectares / 346 terrenos
Prix : terrenos a partir de R$ 64.000
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Cara�bas - Project of mega resort in the beach of Cara�bas
Ram�n Alzola, president of the group Incorporadora Para�sos do Brasil, announced a new project of resort in the beach of Cara�bas (municipality of Maxaranguape) 20 times as big as 'Jacum� Beach Resort', with about 10,000 units of houses. Having defined the project, the development of the resort should nedd 10 years to be built.
Contact : Incorporadora Para�sos do Brasil
Surface : 300 hectares